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If you feel the wish for a child awakening within you, it’s important not to put pressure on yourself to succeed, but to welcome this phase of your life with a free and light-hearted attitude. This guided meditation and stress relief exercise “I want to have a baby” (45 min.) will help you to step off the high-pressure merry-go-round of thoughts and to let go of fears and worries. You’ll learn to let joy and lightness rise up within your heart and to enjoy yourself, your body, and your life.
Not only before, but also during pregnancy, this relaxing imagery, developed by stress relief expert and meditation teacher Seraphine Monien in collaboration with an experienced midwife, is a wonderful opportunity for future moms (and dads) to become more consciously aware of themselves and to welcome the new life.
It’s time for love, relaxation and positive energy while preparing for pregnancy. Start the fast and safe download now and enjoy your meditation “I want to have a baby”.
Do not listen to the meditations while engaging in activities that demand your attention (operating machinery, driving, etc.).
Note: The products and offerings from Sera Benia Publishing do not provide diagnoses or promises of healing, nor do they replace consultation with a doctor or health practitioner, or any other therapeutic treatments.